

In harmony with humans, animals, and nature

The company was founded in 1988, and from that point on (and still today), the focus of the business activities has been on the animal. In the 1980s, appropriate food for small mammals was extremely scarce; one could almost only purchase grain-muesli mixtures or grain-rich pellets. This was far too calorie-rich for pet rabbits.



What characterises the brand

In harmony with humans, animals, and nature

The goal was and still is to produce the optimal, healthy food for small mammals that precisely matches the animals' original habitat and needs. The ingredients come from sustainably managed farms that, like bunny, treat the environment with respect. Animal lovers, professionals, and veterinarians come together at bunny, highly motivated to achieve the best for the animals.

Some examples from our wide range:

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our products?

Feel free to get in touch with us without any obligation.