

Owned by the animals

Almo Nature was founded to change our approach to feeding our animal companions. The quality of ingredients is crucial—at least for Almo Nature's founder. He decided to develop pet food that comes from the same principles and sources as human food. He set out to create a completely new, superior pet food product that exceeds the expectations of both pet owners and their animal companions, being significantly better in taste and quality.



What characterises the brand

Owned by the animals

One year ago, Pier Giovanni Capellino, the founder of Almo Nature, decided to donate 100% of the company's profits to projects aimed at protecting biodiversity and helping stray animals find homes.

Since January 1, 2018, the Fondazione Capellino has been fully responsible for developing and financing these projects. The entire profit now serves the goal of giving back to nature and animals. So, in essence, Almo Nature belongs to the animals.

Some examples from our wide range:

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our products?

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